• Lead Pastor:

    Robb Yandian

    Robb was born in May 1975  in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he spent the first 46 years of his life. The son and grandson of preachers, Robb first felt a call to ministry after graduating with a philosophy degree from the University of Oklahoma in 1996. He discovered his passion for teaching as a high school history and Bible teacher at a Tulsa Christian school before spending 10 years in full-time youth ministry.

    From 2013 to 2020 he served as Senior Pastor at Grace Church in Tulsa. During those seven years, the church sold its property and buildings, paid off its debt, became HomeChurch, and bought and renovated an old Hobby Lobby. Robb resigned as pastor at the end of 2020, sensing a new season was coming.

    From 2021 to 2024 he served as Discipleship Pastor at City Hope Church in Centralia, Illinois. In January 2024 he felt God nudging him back to his primary calling–the teaching and preaching of the Bible, a process which led him to Star Church.

    Robb has three children: Alex, born in 1998, who works at Continental Tire in Mt Vernon, Illinois; Nathan, born in 2000, who serves in the Air Force; and Rachel, born 2002, who is in school in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

  • Children/Youth Minstry:

    Jessie Freebourn

    ( Coming Soon - In Progress)

  • secretary:

    Pat Kittinger

    Pat grew up at Star Church and has been an active member here for many years. Pat is a retired educator who taught school in Eldorado for 33 years, and then finished up her career at John A. Logan College. After retiring, she began helping out with technology and social media here at Star, and ever since, she has been instrumental at organizing events and bringing order to the inner workings of our church. Pat currently works part-time as our church secretary.

    On her time off, Pat enjoys boating and engaging in other outdoor activities.


    Email: info@stargbchurch.com

    Phone: (618) 273-3226 ext. 1